Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Dying to Win Any Election, the Left Eyeballs James Bond

...Meantime, on the U.S. side of the pond, the liberal showbiz bible Variety also has concluded that James Bond is passe, done in by the one-two movie punch of Mike Myers' satiric Austin Powers and Gen X heartthrob Matt Damon's 'accessible' (whatever that means) super-secret-agent Jason Bourne.

Clearly, it's time for the Hollywood-London cinematic liberal axis to forge James Bond anew in the cauldron of Political Correctness, to cast a truly modern, 21st Century man or woman with a modified name and radically re-engineered style, one who can Live And Let Live as a Leftist hero for the hapless, hip and hip-hoppers.

Consider these potential stars for filling Bond's new Birkenstock sandals: (Click Link to see who!)