Politics AND MEDIA affairs are the focus of this page. After reading this article, The reason for the convergence becomes ever more obvious. The treasonous activities of the press during the Iraq war, in particular, and the Bush presidency in general, should not numb us to the fact of the traitorous activities of many during the Clinton years. Not the press in that case, but the administration itself, which sold weapons and technology the Chinese, gave it away free to the North Koreans, pardoned Marc Rich (the international arms merchant who sold nuclear technology to the Iranians), and gave away intelligence to Fidel Castro!
You will need a cocktail or two after this one!.....................T
"In early 1957, when the only thing he commanded was a half-starved band of a dozen 'rebels' in Cuba's Sierra Maestra mountains, Fidel Castro was approached by some of his rebel group's wealthy urban backers.
'What can we do?' They asked. 'How can we help the glorious rebellion? We can write you some checks. We can buy you some arms. We can recruit more men. Tell us, Fidel, what can we do to help?'
'For now,' answered Castro, 'get me a New York Times reporter up here.'
Bingo! The rest is history. They quickly complied and The New York Times' ranking Latin American expert, Herbert Matthews, was escorted to the rebel camp with his notepad, tape recorder and cameras. Within weeks Castro was being hailed as the Robin Hood of latin America on the front page of the world's most prestigious papers. Within two years he was dictator of Cuba, executing hundreds of political prisoners per week, jailing thousands more -- all the while being hailed as 'the George Washington of Cuba!' by everyone from Jack Paar to Walter Lippmann to Ed Sullivan to Harry Truman."
The One Thing Trump Can't Do
1 hour ago
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