The MSM, drive-by-media traitors are at it again. CNN embeded with terrorist snipers? video-taping the assassination of US troops? Try them. Execute them. At the very least revoke their visa's and deport them. Am I alone here? A Traitor is a Traitor, no?...T
With this post about Marine 2nd Lt. Joshua Booth, a sniper victim, Gateway Pundit captures the widespread revulsion at CNN's decision to air enemy propaganda, which it admits is enemy propaganda: a terrorist sniper killing an American. Wolf Blitzer lamely attempted to explain to House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter yesterday that CNN blacked out the frames where the GI gets hit and goes down. Hunter wasn't buying it, and neither are the vast majority of Americans.
CNN has thus triggered not an October surprise but an October surmise: We are in a war but elite media and much of the Democratic Party is indifferent to victory in that war, and genuinely incapable of regulating themselves and their behavior so as to maximize the chance of victory. Now a leading network is airing a snuff film from the terrorists, which follows a year in which newspapers have compromised both our electronic surveillance of terrorists communicating with their operatives in the US, and our tracing of terrorist money flows, stories which in both instances undeniably assisted terrorists in eluding capture.
The enemy is trying for a Ramadan version of the Tet offensive, and generally succeeding because even as was the case in 1968, the media and the left have no desire to understand much less report on the reality of the enemy and their tactics, but is instead in love with the idea of American defeat. Nancy Pelosi announces on 60Minutes that her goal is to make Bush and Cheney "lame ducks." There's a platform for you: The Party of Paralysis at Home and Defeat Abroad, supported by a MSM committed to showing the enemy's best side and our worst.
The Tet offensive claimed 4,324 killed, 16,063 wounded, and 598 missing among U.S., South Vietnamese and South Korean forces. Approximately 45,000 of the enemy were killed, and their offensive shattered. The communist butchery was vast, and in the city of Hue alone, 2,800 were murdered and another 2,000 went missing. The Viet Cong were in fact shattered, but that message never got home to America.
The enemy in fact won an enormous propaganda victory, including the famous photograph of General Nguyen Ngoc Loan executing a Viet Cong prisoner in Saigon. On February 27, 1968, Walter Cronkite presumed to throw in the towel for America, and the seeds of the genocide of a few years later were sown.
Now there is a Tet sequel underway, and the same players --the elite media and the Democratic Party-- want the same ending: Another quick exit and another long bout of self-flagellation over the limits of American power.
This time, though, the enemy will not stay in the land we leave. 9/11 showed us that, and if you want the details, consult Lawrence Wright's The Looming Tower.
It was possible for Democrats and the MSM to claim in the late '70s that they had no idea what we had abandoned southeast Asia to.
No such claim can be made about the aftermath of a defeat in Iraq or anywhere in the war against Islamist fascism.
Our eyes are wide open, watching terrorist snipers gunning down America's finest, and reading state secrets on the front page.
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The One Thing Trump Can't Do
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